Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Discussion on Globalization-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Globalization. Answer: Thomas Friedman discussion on Globalization Basing on Thomas Friedman argument, there are various drawbacks which are associated with living a flat world. The main cause of a flat world is the technology. Clearly, technology is beneficial since it helps in reshaping the businesses, but still, has a major impact on the fall of the same businesses. For instance, technology creates a dilemma and forces the managers to limit the individuals from the information technology access (What Thomas Friedman means when he says "The World is Flat" (n.d.). It also imposes a challenge for individuals to grow enough food for survival. Therefore, the main drawback of living a flat world is famine which is associated with the failure of crops. However, there are still other problems which are linked with the competitors in economics who relates to the networks of globalization. Therefore, it is important if individuals respond to the globalization with a motive of helping to mitigate and identifying the threats in the world of globalization. In addition, armed conflicts and the global poverty are also identified as risks experienced in a flat world. Yes, I concur with the Iron rule discussed by Thomas Friedman. The rule indicates that anything can be done in a flat world and specifically it can only be done by an individual. The advancements in technology provide an opportunity for individuals to do whatever they want. For instance, the Southwest Airline established a website which allowed individuals to print and download their coded bars boarding passes online. This shows that individuals become the ticket agents for themselves. For this reason, individuals can encounter changes and change decisions which facilitate their learning of new things so that they do whatever they want. No, the level of globalization is not uniform across the world. This is because there are various differences, especially which are associated with a culture which emerges. At some point, individuals are divided and each has different values and opinions. For instance, in case you have two websites for social media, they may be different due to the different types of communities involved. An example of the social media websites is the 9gag and Tumblr. Therefore, it is clear that the level of globalization cannot be uniform in the entire universe. Pankaj Ghemawat on Globalization After listening to professor Ghemawat, my view of globalization has greatly changed. I think that the world is not flat as Thomas Friedman indicates due to various reasons. To begin with, globalization is used to refer to the social developments and the modern economic world. However, the professor thinks that the universe is not connected as it may be perceived. Through globalization, markets, countries, and people are linked since the national borders are a bygone issue in the modern world (Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually, the world isn't flat. (n.d). Hover, data uncovers that 90% of the web traffic, investments, and phone calls are confined. Globalization is powerful and contributes towards political and economic transformations. Therefore, assertions made by Friedman would fit in the visions which are exaggerated like the example of the end of history. Therefore, by looking at how the people, companies, and states interact it is clear that the world is not flat and globalization tends to be more delicate in the future. The challenges regarding globalization may have reduced, but it is clear they have not disappeared. This is because some nations are still in fear about globalization. For instance, considering the industry for software in India, Friedman cites Nilekani who claims that the programmers of software in India can access and serve the US, while still in India. However, the Indian software industry is not exempted from the geographic as well as political constraints. Another consideration, the software firm in India, (TCS), Tata Consultancy Services is outlined by Friedman in the New York Times. Friedman uncovers that the company is administered by American banks and managed by the Indian technologists who embraces knowledge on eating Uruguayan veggie. Therefore, questions are raised why the organization had to initiate the operations. The reason is that the language, geography, and distance constraints do not matter. No, I do not think that the fears will sink with some data points which may propose otherwise. This is evident from the Google which is well known to support more than one hundred languages, has lately been rated as the most globalized. However, it reaches out a small percentage of the market in various countries such as Russia while Yandex reaches out 64% (Ghemawat, 2007 pp.55). The difference occurs since the company experiences challenges to design the linguistic complexities which prevail. Therefore, there are various adjustments which need to be conducted. It is evident that the globalization champions as described do not exist in the world. Therefore, regardless of any data that suggests otherwise, the fears may not subside. Conclusion In summarizing the first activity, Friedman presents three eras to prove that the world is flat. Clearly, individuals from the entire world have the opportunity and capability to engage in the global competition. These individuals are mainly not from the society which is westernized but from the African and the Asian continents hence it may impact globalization which is meant to link all people. On the second activity, Pankaj brings out an illustration that the world is not flat which I agree with. This is because globalization links markets, countries, and people since the national borders are a bygone issue in the modern world. Bibliography Thomas Friedman's Three Eras of Globalization[Video file]. 2017 (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lp4znWHvsjU What Thomas Friedman means when he says "The World is Flat"[Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oM2BguxRSyY Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually, the world isn't flat | TED Talk[Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/pankaj_ghemawat_actually_the_world_isn_t_flat.html Ghemawat, P., 2007. Why the world isn't flat.Foreign policy, pp.54-60.

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