Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Beyond Affirmative Action Written Assignment - 1238 Words

Beyond Affirmative Action Written Assignment #1 Mary Ann Hudson MidAmerica Nazarene University Beyond Affirmative Action Assignment #1 The purpose of this paper is to summarize and provide commentary on two current events articles from outside readings or from those that were discussed during class. Differing authors’ views will be compared and contrasted. The definition of what diversity means to this writer will be stated and a discussion of the impact the â€Å"Beyond Affirmative Action† class had on this writer’s perception of diversity in the workplace. This paper will also discuss the writer’s opinion of what an ideal diverse workforce would be comprised of. In the article â€Å"Women and Work, Has the feminist movement†¦show more content†¦The earning gap between men and women is slowly closing in part because of women s educational attainment. â€Å"Organizations run by women perform better, and not just a little bit,† she says. â€Å"The same thing goes for companies that have diverse leaders hip.† (Carter, 2013). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that most of the 30 fastest-growing occupations through 2020 are in female-dominated fields, such as health care, child care and education and as the baby boom generation ages, the need for home-health and personal-care aides is expected to grow by 70 percent by 2020, creating an estimated 1.3 million additional jobs for women. In conclusion, the article ends on a positive note. In spite of all the challenges that women face in the workforce, that ultimately they will not only continue persevere in their fight for equality, but excel in the coming decades. In the article â€Å"Millennial Generation, Will today’s young adults change American society?† (Greenblatt, 2015), affirmative action is addressed in a completely different manner. The article discusses the history, personality and social characteristics of the millennial generation. Millennials are young adults who are 18-34 years old and the y are 70 million strong. Millennials are the most diverse in American history, more than 40% of them are

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