Thursday, August 27, 2020

Free Essays on Mind & Body

Brain and Body The brain body issue is maybe the tried analysis of all of Descartes’ thoughts. The brain body issue is the aftereffect of Descartes’ exacting sanity and his magical discoveries. It has frequented present day logicians since the hour of Descartes, and will keep on staying an issue for a long time. Indeed, even Descartes’ supporters understand that the issue is so profoundly imbued into his dualistic way of thinking that they endeavored to change his mystical plan to introduce an increasingly worthy response to this issue. Descartes starts his otherworldly mission with question. He questions all that he realizes directly down to the littlest little detail. All he is then left with is his uncertainty, which he understands can't exist except if he is a reasoning think, or the cogito. This is the main thing Descartes ends up being genuine through explanation. Next, Descartes demonstrates the presence of God. He does as such through his standards of causality with an end goal to defeat solipsism. After his evidence of the presence of God, Descartes is left to demonstrate the presence of the physical world. He demonstrates that the physical world exists as the reason for our thoughts of it. This all said and done, we are left with three things known to man that are known to be genuine: cogito (unextended), physical world (broadened), and God. This leaves Descartes with an extremely dualistic otherworldly plan. You have the physical world in one hand, a truly quantifiable world that exists truly; and the psy che (or cogito) on the other, a limitless thing that occupies no room. These are the two essential substances of the world, with God as a boundless substance. This leads us into the psyche body issue. The brain body issue exists on account of the exacting dualism Descartes has driven himself into. In what capacity can the brain (unextended) and the body (expanded) meet up in the human to exist in such solidarity? The brain and body are the two substances that make up the real world, and both are oppositely contradicted su... Free Essays on Mind and Body Free Essays on Mind and Body Psyche and Body The psyche body issue is maybe the tried analysis of all of Descartes’ thoughts. The brain body issue is the aftereffect of Descartes’ exacting discernment and his mystical discoveries. It has frequented present day savants since the hour of Descartes, and will keep on staying an issue for a long time. Indeed, even Descartes’ supporters understand that the issue is so profoundly imbued into his dualistic way of thinking that they endeavored to change his magical plan to introduce an increasingly worthy response to this issue. Descartes starts his powerful journey with question. He questions all that he realizes directly down to the littlest little detail. All he is then left with is his uncertainty, which he understands can't exist except if he is a reasoning think, or the cogito. This is the main thing Descartes ends up being genuine through explanation. Next, Descartes demonstrates the presence of God. He does as such through his standards of causality with an end goal to defeat solipsism. After his confirmation of the presence of God, Descartes is left to demonstrate the presence of the physical world. He demonstrates that the physical world exists as the reason for our thoughts of it. This all said and done, we are left with three things known to man that are known to be genuine: cogito (unextended), physical world (expanded), and God. This leaves Descartes with an exceptionally dualistic powerful plan. You have the physical world in one hand, an entirely quantifiable world that exists genuinely; and the psyche (or cogito) on the other, an inconceivable thing that occupies no room. These are the two essential substances of the world, with God as an interminable substance. This leads us into the brain body issue. The brain body issue exists as a result of the exacting dualism Descartes has driven himself into. In what manner can the brain (unextended) and the body (expanded) meet up in the human to exist in such solidarity? The brain and body are the two substances that make up the real world, and both are oppositely restricted su...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Task 2 - Essay Example It likewise endeavored to address the deficiencies of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation was an understanding between the 13 establishing States and the built up United States of America as a confederation of these States. It likewise filled in as the main constitution of the nation before it was supplanted by the constitution to which this penetrable was made piece of. It is essential to note, in any case, that the Articles were deficient to set up a solid government and neglected to give strong protected establishments to the nation. It was additionally a result of this explanation that it was in this way supplanted with the US Constitution wherein this Permeable set out significant established course for the development and job of government. The Permeable to the Constitution defined depended on certain standards and furthermore endeavored to evacuate the inadequacies of the articles. It explicitly referenced a portion of the beliefs and furthermore laid out the expectation of the designers of the Constitution. This paper will examine the different standards referenced in the Permeable and will likewise plot how it endeavored to conquer deficiencies of the articles. ... Accommodate the basic safeguard 5. Advance the general Welfareâ 6. Secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterityâ The penetrable alluded the name of the nation as â€Å"United States of America† which is for quite some time considered as the basic reference with respect to the idea of the administration in the nation. It likewise gives a reference to the government as an element which has been made under the constitution and, in this way, overrules the inborn supposition that the States might be autonomous from one another and can likewise carryout outside relations with different States. This thought, along these lines, has likewise offered ascend to the idea of development of an increasingly impeccable association wherein Federal Government will in general have moderately higher force when contrasted with the forces adjusted by the States as indicated by Federal, just as individual States constitutions. All things considered, Constitution permits the ind ividual States to work as sovereign states. Article 1 of the constitution characterizes the forces of government and how it is really going to be detailed as an increasingly impeccable association. The utilization of the world to frame a progressively flawless association is likewise considered as a move from the Articles of Confederation wherein Nationalists explicitly put forth the defense that the Articles neglected to give a system to increasingly strong association and administration instrument (Rakove, 230). The Federal Government was given enough powers to follow up on the residents and, thusly, Federal government was given explicit order to charge burdens straightforwardly and furthermore subject the residents to different issues. This has especially help defeated established trouble which articles neglected to survive. It is additionally critical to take note of that the utilization of the expression â€Å"We the People† likewise gives a natural sense that the Federa l government

Friday, August 21, 2020

Blog Archive Invited to Interview at Harvard Business School Here Are Some Helpful Resources

Blog Archive Invited to Interview at Harvard Business School Here Are Some Helpful Resources On October 5, Harvard Business School (HBS) sent out its final batch of interview invitations for Round 1 applicants. If you are among the candidates who received an invitation, congratulations! Now it is time to get ready for this crucial step in your application process. Check out these important resources created specifically for HBS interview candidates. MOCK INTERVIEW During our HBS Mock Interview and Post-Interview Reflection Support sessions, you will speak with an experienced mbaMission consultant who will have read your entire HBS application. You will then be able to plan and practice your answers to typical questions posed by HBS interviewers to previous applicants. Through QA, feedback, and thorough response planning, we will help you improve the content of your answers, your time management skills, and your overall presentation. HBS asks all interviewed applicants to write a post-interview essay and submit it within 24 hours of their interview. This essay has no word limit, and HBS suggests that candidates think of it as an email they would write to a friend or colleague, rather than as a formal essay. As part of our targeted HBS interview package, an mbaMission consultant will help you strategize your approach to this special essay. Your consultant will also review a draft of the essay and provide feedback intended to assist you in making it stronger and more effective. Please note that because the HBS Admissions Office explicitly states that applicants are not to write anything in advance or receive outside help with this essay, your mbaMission consultant will not edit your writing but will instead offer detailed strategic direction via comments only. Given the 24-hour deadline, we will suspend our contracted two-business-day turnaround for this essay. You and your consultant will determine a schedule that accommodates both your needs and the school’s deadline. Mock interviews are conducted via phone or Skype for $750. In-person mock interviews may be available for a $100 surcharge. To purchase your HBS mock interview preparation session, click here! LIVE WEBINAR HBS interview candidates are also invited to enroll in our free, live online Interview Workshop on October 11. During the presentation, we will offer advice on best practices to help you prepare for and succeed in your business school interviews. mbaMission Senior Consultant Rachel Beck will explore the different types of interviews, what each admissions committee is looking for, and tips for time management. To enroll for free, click here. INTERVIEW PRIMER Many MBA candidates find admissions interviews stressful and intimidating, but mastering this important element of the application process is definitely possibleâ€"the key is informed preparation. Download your complimentary copy of the Harvard Business School Interview Primer today. In creating our primers, we have drawn on countless communications with MBA students, alumni, admissions officers, and applicants, in addition to our vast library of interview reports submitted by current and past clients. Our HBS Interview Primer provides: Insight into what the school is evaluating and hoping to gain from the interview An explanation of the school’s approach to interviewing (self-scheduled or invite only, blind versus comprehensive, etc.) Past applicants’ firsthand accounts of their interview experiences and multiple sample interview question sequences Tips on preparing for and responding to questions that most typically vex applicants Help in formulating compelling questions of your own Good luck to all! Share ThisTweet Business School Events Harvard University (Harvard Business School) Interviews Managing the MBA Interview mbaMission Events News

Monday, May 25, 2020

Homeless Ethics Paper - 1076 Words

Jessica Faulter Instructor Bazer PHIL102-02N 3 September 2013 The Homeless Perception and Reality I come from a fairly large city in California so I’ve been around many homeless people throughout my life. I’ve had good and bad experiences when it comes to being around them and dealing with them. My initial view of the homeless is that they are somewhat lazy and that a lot of them are on drugs. I feel this way because I’ve seen and dealt with so many sick, obnoxious people on the streets aggressively asking for money. I always think to myself, if I were in that situation I would find a way. There are so many resources that help people get back on their feet. Instead of begging on the streets, I would go get help. Instead of asking†¦show more content†¦Many companies, some of which people have been employed with for years have to make cuts sometimes to save money with the changing economy. Some people get hurt at work, in car accidents, etc. and can no longer work. Some people have mental illnesses that keep them fro m ever holding a steady job. There are also those who have just had a hard life, whether it is a bad family growing up or an unfortunate tragedy that has happened to them. This can happen anywhere in the world. From the readings, I learned that Europeans are more compassionate toward the homeless than Americans, which I found really sad. No matter what the circumstances are, these people are living such a poor quality of life and it’s devastating. It’s true that most people don’t even acknowledge their existence while passing them by. It’s like they’re not even there to most people because they don’t know how to accept that people actually have to live this way. My views on the homeless have changed. Not dramatically because I already felt very sympathetic toward most homeless people, but I learned a myriad of things I wasn’t aware of before. I really never thought about the fact that they feel unseen and unheard. I guess subconscious ly I know that many people here in the United States are afraid of what they don’t know and like to pretend that things like this don’t exist in their community. I don’t understand how people can be so cold and apathetic towards other human beings who live under suchShow MoreRelated The Homeless are Not Legitimate Members of a Community Essay1583 Words   |  7 PagesThe Homeless are Not Legitimate Members of a Community In most every community in the United States there exists an ever-growing population of disenfranchised individuals, created by the absence of a home. Their place in the community allows them, at best, the socioeconomic status of â€Å"the homeless-members in our community.† But, are these homeless-members actually legitimate autonomous-members of a moral community? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Beyond Affirmative Action Written Assignment - 1238 Words

Beyond Affirmative Action Written Assignment #1 Mary Ann Hudson MidAmerica Nazarene University Beyond Affirmative Action Assignment #1 The purpose of this paper is to summarize and provide commentary on two current events articles from outside readings or from those that were discussed during class. Differing authors’ views will be compared and contrasted. The definition of what diversity means to this writer will be stated and a discussion of the impact the â€Å"Beyond Affirmative Action† class had on this writer’s perception of diversity in the workplace. This paper will also discuss the writer’s opinion of what an ideal diverse workforce would be comprised of. In the article â€Å"Women and Work, Has the feminist movement†¦show more content†¦The earning gap between men and women is slowly closing in part because of women s educational attainment. â€Å"Organizations run by women perform better, and not just a little bit,† she says. â€Å"The same thing goes for companies that have diverse leaders hip.† (Carter, 2013). The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that most of the 30 fastest-growing occupations through 2020 are in female-dominated fields, such as health care, child care and education and as the baby boom generation ages, the need for home-health and personal-care aides is expected to grow by 70 percent by 2020, creating an estimated 1.3 million additional jobs for women. In conclusion, the article ends on a positive note. In spite of all the challenges that women face in the workforce, that ultimately they will not only continue persevere in their fight for equality, but excel in the coming decades. In the article â€Å"Millennial Generation, Will today’s young adults change American society?† (Greenblatt, 2015), affirmative action is addressed in a completely different manner. The article discusses the history, personality and social characteristics of the millennial generation. Millennials are young adults who are 18-34 years old and the y are 70 million strong. Millennials are the most diverse in American history, more than 40% of them are

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Discussion on

Question: Discuss about the Globalization. Answer: Thomas Friedman discussion on Globalization Basing on Thomas Friedman argument, there are various drawbacks which are associated with living a flat world. The main cause of a flat world is the technology. Clearly, technology is beneficial since it helps in reshaping the businesses, but still, has a major impact on the fall of the same businesses. For instance, technology creates a dilemma and forces the managers to limit the individuals from the information technology access (What Thomas Friedman means when he says "The World is Flat" (n.d.). It also imposes a challenge for individuals to grow enough food for survival. Therefore, the main drawback of living a flat world is famine which is associated with the failure of crops. However, there are still other problems which are linked with the competitors in economics who relates to the networks of globalization. Therefore, it is important if individuals respond to the globalization with a motive of helping to mitigate and identifying the threats in the world of globalization. In addition, armed conflicts and the global poverty are also identified as risks experienced in a flat world. Yes, I concur with the Iron rule discussed by Thomas Friedman. The rule indicates that anything can be done in a flat world and specifically it can only be done by an individual. The advancements in technology provide an opportunity for individuals to do whatever they want. For instance, the Southwest Airline established a website which allowed individuals to print and download their coded bars boarding passes online. This shows that individuals become the ticket agents for themselves. For this reason, individuals can encounter changes and change decisions which facilitate their learning of new things so that they do whatever they want. No, the level of globalization is not uniform across the world. This is because there are various differences, especially which are associated with a culture which emerges. At some point, individuals are divided and each has different values and opinions. For instance, in case you have two websites for social media, they may be different due to the different types of communities involved. An example of the social media websites is the 9gag and Tumblr. Therefore, it is clear that the level of globalization cannot be uniform in the entire universe. Pankaj Ghemawat on Globalization After listening to professor Ghemawat, my view of globalization has greatly changed. I think that the world is not flat as Thomas Friedman indicates due to various reasons. To begin with, globalization is used to refer to the social developments and the modern economic world. However, the professor thinks that the universe is not connected as it may be perceived. Through globalization, markets, countries, and people are linked since the national borders are a bygone issue in the modern world (Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually, the world isn't flat. (n.d). Hover, data uncovers that 90% of the web traffic, investments, and phone calls are confined. Globalization is powerful and contributes towards political and economic transformations. Therefore, assertions made by Friedman would fit in the visions which are exaggerated like the example of the end of history. Therefore, by looking at how the people, companies, and states interact it is clear that the world is not flat and globalization tends to be more delicate in the future. The challenges regarding globalization may have reduced, but it is clear they have not disappeared. This is because some nations are still in fear about globalization. For instance, considering the industry for software in India, Friedman cites Nilekani who claims that the programmers of software in India can access and serve the US, while still in India. However, the Indian software industry is not exempted from the geographic as well as political constraints. Another consideration, the software firm in India, (TCS), Tata Consultancy Services is outlined by Friedman in the New York Times. Friedman uncovers that the company is administered by American banks and managed by the Indian technologists who embraces knowledge on eating Uruguayan veggie. Therefore, questions are raised why the organization had to initiate the operations. The reason is that the language, geography, and distance constraints do not matter. No, I do not think that the fears will sink with some data points which may propose otherwise. This is evident from the Google which is well known to support more than one hundred languages, has lately been rated as the most globalized. However, it reaches out a small percentage of the market in various countries such as Russia while Yandex reaches out 64% (Ghemawat, 2007 pp.55). The difference occurs since the company experiences challenges to design the linguistic complexities which prevail. Therefore, there are various adjustments which need to be conducted. It is evident that the globalization champions as described do not exist in the world. Therefore, regardless of any data that suggests otherwise, the fears may not subside. Conclusion In summarizing the first activity, Friedman presents three eras to prove that the world is flat. Clearly, individuals from the entire world have the opportunity and capability to engage in the global competition. These individuals are mainly not from the society which is westernized but from the African and the Asian continents hence it may impact globalization which is meant to link all people. On the second activity, Pankaj brings out an illustration that the world is not flat which I agree with. This is because globalization links markets, countries, and people since the national borders are a bygone issue in the modern world. Bibliography Thomas Friedman's Three Eras of Globalization[Video file]. 2017 (n.d.). Retrieved from What Thomas Friedman means when he says "The World is Flat"[Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from Pankaj Ghemawat: Actually, the world isn't flat | TED Talk[Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from Ghemawat, P., 2007. Why the world isn't flat.Foreign policy, pp.54-60.