Thursday, December 26, 2019

How My View on Gay Marriage Changed - 902 Words

â€Å"How My View on Gay Marriage Changed† At the time, gay marriage is a steaming hot topic of discussion in the United States. The right of marriage between man and man or woman and woman is one of the most controversial debates in the history of America. On several locations around the globe, fore an example in europe, gay marriage is a legal act. But should homosexuals have the same rights as â€Å"normal† people when it comes to marriage? A lot of different reasons why gays should not be able to get married, have occurred in this discussion. Also people around the States walk the streets, demonstrating pro and con due to the proposal of a law letting gays get married. One of the reasons why homosexuals should not have the right to get†¦show more content†¦Sure enough, all those aspects come in handy when you talk about the practical about marriage, but only if children are included in the discussion. Why would people get married otherwise? To seal og refresh the bond between lovers? To get financial benefits? Is it simply prestigious? The correct answer must be up to each couple to find. Giving that marriage is not a way to get a child, why should gay people get married? But then again why would non homosexuals get married? In the United States, the wedding of a couple is a major cultural and religious event. We know that the christian church and belief does not applaud homosexuality, so why should the gays have access to marriage? Of course they should have access to marriage. But maybe not in the church. A religious marriage, must at all time be for the religious people. Meaning that one christian would never host a islamic wedding and the other way around. There are certain rules in each religion which must be followed. Like laws in the society, there are rules in the churches. You would not question that stealing in a shop is wrong or/and illegal, so why question the rules of a â€Å"private† club, which the churches actually are. Sure, anyone can attend any church, but the rules have been made, and that forces the attendants to follow the rules set by the church. Because homosexuality is a sin, gays and lesbians cannot be married in the holyShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of The Gay Liberation Movement1627 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough the gay liberation movement had very little impact at that time, it set the stage for bigger and better changes in the future. Since the 1960’s America has added, removed, and adjusted laws against homosexuals. On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts becomes the first state in the United State to legalize same–sex marriage. The Massachusetts Chief Justice concluded, â€Å"to deny the protections, benefits, and obligations conferred by civil marriage to gay couples was unconstitutional because it deniedRead MoreThe Debate Over Same Sex Marriage1181 Words   |  5 Pagessociety than same sex marriage? It is a topic that has battered Americans for decades, and just recently has it been decided that same sex marriage and relations is awarded by the constitution. Before this it was at states discretion whether or not to allow those of the same sex to marry. But, on June 26, 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that the constitution gave legal rights to same sex couples to marry in all 50 states where prior to that only 37 states had legalized same sex marriage. (Freedom to MarryRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Marriage948 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. I know that I am strongly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I vigorously believe that traditional marriage and parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and parenting are to me, issues of a society with strong traditional cultural identitiesRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal989 Words   |  4 PagesLGBT community, I believe that gay marriage should be legalized in al l states. Denmark was the first country to grant legal domestic partnership of gay couples in the late 1980s. Shortly after this decision in Denmark, other European countries began to do the same. When I was younger I lived in the Netherlands for about two years, and in 2001 it became the first country to allow same-sex marriage. Currently, fifteen countries have legally recognized same-sex marriage. In the United States, the fourteenthRead MoreSame Sex Marriage And Parenting999 Words   |  4 PagesSame-Sex Marriage and Parenting Same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. While I know that I am firmly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I firmly believe that traditional marriage and traditional parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are to me, issuesRead MoreCommon Ground : Same Sex Marriage956 Words   |  4 PagesCommon Ground: Same-Sex Marriage Same-sex marriage, a controversial social issue in the U.S. for several decades, is constantly evolving. When viewed historically, great change has happened in a short period of time, in the movement for same-sex marriage, given that until recently, no society in thousands of years has ever allowed it. Futurist John Naisbitt, author of Megatrends, has studied the change in the public’s perspective on gay marriage. Naisbitt asserts: â€Å"In just my lifetime, we haveRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legalized1309 Words   |  6 PagesSeptember 2015 Issue Proposal I would introduce this issue to an audience explaining that same-sex marriage, also called gay marriage, is a marriage or a civil union between couples of the same sex. I would continue to explain it as a controversial and moral issue discussed worldwide today, due to many gay couples coming out and openly expressing their need for equal rights. I would add onto and explain how supporters of equal rights and those who oppose the topic have both participated in highly publicizedRead MoreThere Is No Question That Gay Marriage Has Become A Huge1631 Words   |  7 Pagesquestion that gay marriage has become a huge moral and spiritual issue for the church (Brown 2014). Liberal Protestants believe because this issue has torn groups of believers apart we would be better to accept our differences in beliefs and move forward with the mission of spreading Jesus’s love. The Conservative Protestants viewpoint on this issue is people in homosexual relationships need to be shown love wh ile at the same time helping them understand what the Bible says on this topic. Gay marriageRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1308 Words   |  6 PagesGay Marriage Americans seem to be all freedom and equality, this is the main desire of just about every citizen. Most of society will say they support equal rights for all citizens. But as soon as the topic of equal rights for homosexuals, people become uncomfortable and uneasy, not knowing which opinion is right and wrong and right. Surprisingly the majority of Americans voted for the Constitutional Amendment, which puts a ban on gay marriage, however, the concept of gay marriage is still notRead MoreEssay about The Case for Gay Marriage1673 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical debate over the decisive issue of gay marriage forces us to rethink our commitment to those deliberate words. Throughout our history, America’s homosexual population has struggled against society to prove that they have the right to marry anyone they love, regardless of sex. Until only recently, in fact, the vast majority of Americans have held steadfast views against the legalization of gay marriage. But in the most recent decade, gay marriage activists have made significant progress

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hcs/325 - Effective Communication Paper - 1146 Words

Effective Communication Paper February 20, 2011 Health Care Management/HCS325 John M. Thompson Effective Communication Paper Communication promotes knowledge within a health care organization and is necessary for the organization to thrive. Communication is not only important to the staff but also to the patients within a health care facility who depend on staff communication to receive quality medical care. Without complete communication between staff member’s clinical errors can occur and the patient’s health could be at risk. In this paper the subject will explain how a health care organization shares knowledge through communication and examine, which are the most effective techniques and which techniques are ineffective. This†¦show more content†¦This website also gives the patient the ability to receive advice from other patients and physicians. Social networking allows an organization the opportunity to increase knowledge. Websites like CareConnectix is one of many Internet resources that provide different links to information like blogs, videos, a nd recent health care news with ease and security (CareConnectix, 2010). Other techniques that can provide communication within an organization are weekly or monthly meetings, memos, and e-mails. These techniques can be effective at many levels within an organization, but there are communication techniques that fail to help an organization thrive because of the lack of knowledge and sharing between departments. Ineffective Techniques for Sharing Information Ineffective communication can be devastating to a department within an organization. This usually occurs when managers do not meet with staff regularly to check in or update staff of new occurrences. Even if the manager does follow through with regular meetings the manager must abide by the three â€Å"C’s† rule of communicating with clarity, completion, and conciseness (Juneja, 2011). Managers promote poor communication when it is not planned out correctly, which can cause chaos and friction within the department. Emotions can cause a barrier and result in a communication breakdown. Poor communication is not always at the fault of the manager, poor listening on the staff’s part canShow MoreRelatedEffective Communication Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesPaper Effective Communication Helena Herbert HCS/325 October 23, 2012 Brian Dufrene Effective Communication â€Å"Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts and feelings between people through speaking, writing or body language. Effective communication extends the concept to require that transmitted content is received and understood byRead MoreManagement Style Essays660 Words   |  3 PagesManagement Style Essay Joyce Davis HCS/325 3/23/2015 Management Style Essay Introduction Today’s paper is about management styles. 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DISCRIPTION OF DIESEL ENGINE The diesel internal combustion engine differs from the gasoline powered Otto cycle by using highly compressed, hot air to igniteRead More1000 Word Essay85965 Words   |  344 Pages......................... Survival ........................................... Camouflage, Concealment and Decoys ...................... Maintenance ........................................ Communications ..................................... Supply Economy ..................................... 311 313 325 338 348 352 356 359 365 373 378 382 387 Page 3 / 389  © Copyright 1999-2012 Version 5.3 Army Programs What does ASAP stand for? Army Substance Abuse Program (AR 600-85Read MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words   |  846 Pagescondition on any acquirer British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Data available Typeset by SPI Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India Printed in Great Britain on acid-free paper by Antony Rowe Ltd., Chippenham, Wiltshire ISBN 0–19–928335–4 978–0–19–928335–4 ISBN 0–19–928336–2 (Pbk.) 978–0–19–928336–1 (Pbk.) 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 3 FOREWORD ‘ Michael Bromwich is an exemplar of all that is good about the BritishRead MoreLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages........................................... 157 Exercises .............................................................................................................................................. 158 CHAPTER 5 Obstacles to Better Communication .................................................................. 165 viii Not Realizing What You Are Saying ............................................................................................... 165 Abusing Rules of Grammar Read MoreInstructor’s Manual Fundamentals of Financial Management60779 Words   |  244 PagesAlt. #1 and Alt. #2 differ slightly due to rounding in the tables. 20. Effective annual interest rate = (1 + [i/m])m - 1 a. (annually) = (1 + [.096/1])1 - 1 = .0960 b. (semiannually) = (1 + [.096/2])2 - 1 = .0983 c. (quarterly) = (1 + [.096/4])4 - 1 = .0995 d. (monthly) = (1 + [.096/12])12 - 1 = .1003 e. (daily) = (1 + [.096/365])365 - 1 = .1007 Effective annual interest rate with continuous compounding = (e)i - 1 f. (continuous) Read MoreExploring Corporate Strategy - Case164366 Words   |  658 Pageschanges to deliver a better service. Sony (B) – more structural changes at the high-tech multinational. Web Reservations International – growth of an Irish SME company through its online reservation system and business model. NHS Direct – using communication and information technology to provide new ‘gateways’ to public services. Doman Synthetic Fibres – resource planning for new products in the synthetic fibres industry. Marks Spencer (B) – turnaround at the high street legend. Haram – managing

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Night before agincourt Essay Example For Students

Night before agincourt Essay It was a cold night, the air stagnant with anxiety. The clean, crisp starry sky held a strange sense of wisdom, almost as if it knew what the future held. The trees were standing proud, high above our camp, as if over-looking the whole situation, oblivious to the insecurity hanging above the English troops like a dull cloud. The light from the tents shone out, highlighting my features and glittering in my highly polished, steely armour; glinting over my face and reflecting off my eyes like the morning sun which brings with it the prospect of death under the five French swords longing for my demise. I sit and watch the horses nervously wandering around, returning the cries of the French steeds. It just adds to my sense of fear. My senses seem to be heightened. I listen to my heartbeat as it thunders in my ears like a war drum, beating a marching time as if counting down to one final moment. Death or glory. The sounds of the armourers hammer beating rivets with ringing blows, echoing through the dull lifeless night. The smell of charcoal on the burnt out fires of the English, a faint reminder of the log fires back in the English dining halls of home; the place which seems so far away. The delicious smell of meat roasting which is a thing I may never taste again. The feeling of fresh, crisp grass as I sit on the stone cold earth. I feel as if its draining all the feelings and thoughts of joy and happiness I ever felt. The steely spearhead in my hand, I grind away the blood stained dull surface to find a new layer of more lustre, as keen as I to slay the French. The rough bark on the tree pressing against my back, embossing its image into my tired and weary flesh. I cannot wait for the morning sun to rise: even though it brings with it the probability of my death. It is better than sitting here waiting for the unknown. I look around me and see all the other men, all of whom must be feeling the same sense of insecurity as I. Over the field from the French I can hear shouting and chanting. I can see their lights burning brightly, unlike ours, they have time between worrying about tomorrow to keep their fires burning. The faint outline of clouds skipping across the sky, obscuring the refreshing monotone light from the moon, making the ground look like the dappled light on the ground of a summer orchard. I dream of the heroic deeds I will perform during battle, although I know that they are just that. Dreams. This however is the only place I feel truly safe: In my own mind. Then my mind skips and I see my family waiting for me. I must fight as I do in the dreams for their sake. Soon though,  the moment will be upon us. Will I be able to find myself an unknown inner strength and battle as I did in these dreams? Only God can answer that. Tomorrow I shall find out what God has planned for my life and in him alone I trust.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Human Evolution of Why We Need Disease free essay sample

Continues to work as a researcher while finishing medical training at New York’s Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Jonathon Price, senior adviser and speechwriter in the Clinton House and oversaw communications strategy at NATO during the war in Kosovo. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Dr. Sharon Moalem, Harper Collins Publishers, 10 East 53rd Street , New York, NY 10022. Abstract This paper explores the concepts on a Medical Maverick discovering why we need disease. About the mysteries and miracles, wondering why, and why not. The article, however, vary in the understanding of science and the history of science. The scientific points the Dr. Sharon Moalem, analyzing the evidence used to support the scientific points found in the Survival of the Sickest (2007) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other books, define the evolution of human differently, and therefore offering different results, and theories. Examining the strengths, and weakness of the significant terms of both a historical, and methodology content. We will write a custom essay sample on The Human Evolution of Why We Need Disease or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This paper examines Dr. Sharon Moalem with the help of Jonathon Price (2007) research in relation to the complexities of survival, in the human evolution. Survival of the Sickest: The Human Evolution A Review in Science In 2007, Dr. Sharon Moalem called attention to discover why we need disease in the human evolutional world. Dr. Sharon Moalem thought of the complexities of survival after his grandfather was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, when he was fifteen years old. 1) Watching somebody you love drift away is hard to accept. \ You start to want answers, and you want to know why. So he started researching the concept of the human evolutionary concepts, and what the human body takes to fight off disease ironing out plagues, cancerous cells, and the power of cholesterol, the gene pool, and methyl madness. Analyzing the evidence used to support these scientific points, also how reading this book contribute to your understanding of science and the history of science. While the traditional response to a medical epidemic is to hunt for a vaccine or a cure-all pill, these scientific points are more elusive. Understanding the limitations of the evolution for humans highlights the complexity of the human gene types and the understanding of the human body. Can we Rust to Death? Aran Gordon was a born competitor, he was training for the Marathon des Sables, he started to feel tired all the time, joints hurt, and his heart seem to skip a funny beat. After going to doctors, Gordon couldn’t account for his symptoms or they drew the wrong conclusion. Finally after three years, the doctors uncovered the real problem, Gordon was having an massive amount of iron in his blood and liver – off thee charts amount of iron. Aran Gordon was rusting to death. Hemochromatosis is a hereditary disease that disrupts the way the body metabolizes iron. Normally a persons body detects when it has a sufficient iron level in the blood, reducing the amount of iron absorbed by the intestines from the food that human digest. So even if you suffer yourself with iron supplements so wouldn’t load up with excess iron in your blood system. But for a human with Hemochromatosis, the body thinks, always, that the body doesn’t are enough iron and continues to absorb iron unabated. Over loading of iron can lead to damaging of the joints, the major organs, and overall body chemistry. However, unchecked Hemochromatosis can lead to liver failure, heart failure, diabetes, arthritis, infertility, psychiatric disorders, and even cancer, also leading to death. For more than 125 years after Armand Trousseau first described it in 1865, Hemochromatosis was thought to be extremely rare. (2). However, in 1996, the primary gene that causes the condition was isolated, discovering that the genes Hemochromatosis are common in people of Western European descents. (3). Genetics Parlance, the degree that a given gene manifests itself in an individual is called penetrance. (4) If a single gene meaning everyone that have attracted ear lopes, that genes has a high or complete penetrance. However, a gene that consists of a host of circumstances to manifest, also like the gene Hemochromatosis been considered to have low penetrance. Now here’s a question, why would a disease so deadly bred into our genetic code? Hemochromatosis isn’t an infectious disease caused by bad habits like smoking getting lung cancer, or smallpox caused by a viral invader. The plague known has the Black Death during 1347 to 1350 brought the most deadly outbreak of bubonic plagues to Western Europe? People with the hemochromatosis mutation were resistant to the infection, because of their iron starved macrophages. While people without the mutation, where more prong to the disease and its deadly side effects. If the first generation was help because of the hemochromatosis mutation, to survive the plague, multiplying its frequency across the population as a result, successive outbreaks compounded, further breeding the mutation into the Northern and Western European populations every time a plague resurfaces. The new understanding of hemochromatosis, infection, an iron has provoked a reevaluation of two long-established medical treatments one very one, and one recently new. Bloodletting is one of the oldest, complicated medical practices in history, mostly the Western medicine. This practice was derived from the thinking of the Greek physician Galen, who practiced the theory of the four humours – blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. (6). All illness resulted from an imbalanced of four humours, and it was the doctor’s job to balance the floes through fast, purging, and bloodletting. An illustration from a 1506 book on medicine points to forty-three different places on the human body that should be used for bleeding, fourteen on the head alone. (7) For centuries, the place to go for bloodletting was the barber shop in the West. Modern medicine science has been skeptical of bloodletting for many reasons. After millennia of bloodletting, it fell into extreme disfavor at the beginning of the twentieth century. Iron is good. The thought of iron to be good and the more was the better. A doctor name John Murray was working with in wife in a Somali refugee camp, hen he noticed that the nomads were free of visible infection. (8). John Murray decided to treated one side of the population with iron first. Treating the nomads with iron supplements increase the disease chance for survival, understanding this, in understood that the nomads were withstanding the disease because of their anemia. It was basically iron locking in high gear. However, hemochromatosis and anemia aren’t the only heredity diseases that have gained pride of place in our gene pool by offering protection from another threat, and they’re not all related to iron. Cystic Fibrosis, that affects different parts of the body. New researchers suggest that, sure enough, carrying a copy of the gene that cause fibrosis seem to offer some protection from tuberculosis. Tuberculosis, which has also been called consumption because of the way it seems to consume the body from the inside out. (9) Aran Gordon manifested symptoms of hemochromatosis; put him through three years of progressive health problems, frustrating tests and inaccurate conclusion before finally learning what was wrong with him. Today he knows the effects of the most common genetic disorder in people of European descent. 10) Today Aran’s health has been restored through bloodletting, on of the oldest medical practices on earth. However, making today an understanding on much more about the complex interrelationship of our bodies, iron, infection, and conditions like hemochromatosis and anemia. (11) Cholesterol on the Rise Isn’t It Everybody knows that humanity’s relationship with the sun is multifaceted. As we learned in school, the entire global ecology of our plant depends on the sufficient of sunlight, beginning with the production of oxygen by plants through photosynthesis. As we have learned to much sun can be such a bad thing on a global level on any individual one, by causing drought and a deadly disease called skin cancer. Many humans don’t know that sun is just as important on an individual, biochemical level. Natural sunlight simultaneously helps the body develop vitamin D and destroy reserves of folic acid. Vitamin D is a critical component of human biochemistry, especially to ensure the growth of healthy bones in children and the maintenance of healthy bones in adults. Without enough vitamin D, dults are prone to osteoporosis and children are prone to a disease called rickets that result in improper bone growth and deformity. We don’t have to rely on fortified milk for vitamin D; most of vitamin D can be made by the body. We make Vitamin D by converting cholesterol, something sun has been getting a bad rap, 100 percent necessary to survival. Cholesterol is required to make and maintain cell membranes, helping the brain send messages, and the immune system to protect us against cancer and other disease. It’s a key building block in the production of estrogen and testosterone and other hormones, making it the essential component in our manufacture of Vitamin D. The skin is the largest organ in the human body, it’s an organ in every sense of the word, responsible for important functions related to the immune system, the nervous system, the circulatory system, and metabolism, protecting the body’s stores of folate, and the skin that a crucial step in manufacturing of vitamin d takes places. 27) When exposed to the right kind of sunlight, our skin converts our cholesterol into vitamin D, using the sunlight ultraviolet B, or UVB, which is essentially, making this the strongest when the sun is more or less directly overhead, for a few hours, everyday beginning around noon. Just as sunscreen block the ultraviolet ray, that gives suntan, is also blocks the ultraviolet rays you need for vitamin D. Australia recently embarked on an anti-skin cancer campaign it called â₠¬Å"Slip-Slop-Slap. (28a) The Campaign was especially effective at producing unintended results _ Australian sun exposure went down, and Australian vitamin D deficiencies went up. (28b) However, researchers discovered that tanning can actually help people who have vitamin D deficiencies. Crohn’s disease is a disorder that includes significant inflammation of the small intestine. (29). However, the inflammation impairs the absorption of nutrients; including vitamin D, making most people with Crohn’s disease has vitamin D deficiencies. As everybody knows the skin is the largest organ of the human body. It responsible for important functions related to the immune system, the nervous system, the circulatory system, and metabolism. Skin color is determined by the amount and type of melanin, a specialized pigment that absorbs light, produced by our bodies. Which means the darker your skin is, the less ultraviolet light it absorbs. The melanocytes of most African, for example, produce many times amount of melanin that the melanocytes of Northern Europeans produce – and most of it is eumelanin, the brown or black version. (30) Melanin also determines hair and eye color, the more melanin, the darker the hair and eyes. The milk white skin of an albino is caused by an enzyme deficiency that results in the production of little or no melanin. (31) As everybody knows, skin color changes, to some extent, in response to sun exposure, making the trigger for that response is the pituitary gland. More than 60,000 Americans are diagnosed with melanoma – especially aggressive type of skin cancer – every year, making Europeans Americans are ten to forty times as likely to get melanoma as African Americans. (32) In 2000, an anthropologist name Nina G. Jablonski and a geographic computer specialist named George Chaplin combine their scientific disciplines to chart the connection between skin cool and sunlight. (33a) They produced an equation to express the relationship between a given population’s skin color and its exposure to ultraviolet rays. (33b). Amusingly, their research also proposes that we carry sufficient genes within our gene pool to ensure that, within 1,000 years of a population migration from one climate to another, its descendants would have the skin color dark enough to protect folate or light enough to maximize vitamin D production. If you are wondering how people with dark skin still make enough vitamin D despite the fact that their skin blocks all those ultraviolet rays, you are on the right path. When ultraviolet rays penetrate the skin it destroys folate, letting the rays the penetrate the skin create vitamin D. So thus cause a new problem for dark skin people, even when they live in sunny climates, getting a good amount of sun. The skin color that protects the folate in the body would prevent them for stocking up on vitamin D. There’s a little guy called apolipoprotein (ApoE4), a gene pool off dark-skinned population groups.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bound Morphemes Pg Essays

Bound Morphemes Pg Essays Bound Morphemes Pg Essay Bound Morphemes Pg Essay Notes from live broadcast 29/07/09 Mrs Masehela made a comment at the beginning of the session that because of a large amount of students receiving their study material late, she would focus only on what is relevant for the exam during this broadcast – I really hope this is the case. The chapters I refer to in these notes are from the prescribed book: Investigating English. Chapter One A system of signs for human communication there are different modes of linguistic communication- writing signs and oral. Language is a semiotic system. Semiotics: the study of signs and symbols and their meanings.Language is a system where the individual elements ‘signs’, take their overall meaning from HOW they are combined with other elements. Think of the English language spelling patterns and compare that with another language you know. Think of the road signs and their meanings or any other sign and its meaning. de Saussure theory of linguistic signs. pg 6 The signifier â⠂¬â€œ the sequence of sounds (word), which makes up the sign e. g. w/a/t/e/r this is the symbol. The signified – the mental or physical reality of the sign e. g. water. The properties of language (unique) pg 9 Displacement – talk about things that are not in sight. Arbitrariness – no natural relationship between a word and it’s meaning. Discreetness – separate or distinct. Each sound functions as an individual. Duality – distinct sounds do not convey meaning but carry meaning when combined with other sounds. (ooo, eee, aaa by themselves no meaning). Productivity – speakers produce and interpret an infinite number of new signals, able to produce a sentence without memorising. Cultural transmission – language is passed on from one generation to the next (mother tongue).Chapter 4 Words and word formation (the structure of words) Morpheme – pg 63 the smallest meaningful unit of a language. e. g. –ful, -er, un-, ive. Free morphemes – pg 65 independent words, simple can’t be broken down. car, sure, fine, chew, school, a, the, Two kinds – content/lexical morphemes Open group-new words can be added. They carry meaning – fine, chew. function/grammatical morphemes Closed group-new words hardly ever added. When attached, work together with content – but, if, this, and. Bound morphemes – pg 67 can not occur unattached. (not a word on its own) also called affixes. e. g. –ful, un-, -s, -er. the base or the stem is the morpheme to which prefixes and suffixes are attached. e. g. safe, drive, tangle. Inflectional morphemes- pg 68 do not change the grammatical status of a word. e. g school (noun), schools (noun), talk (verb), talked (verb) can change quantities, tenses, plurality. [pic] see page 69 as well. Derivational morphemes – pg 69 these change the grammatical class of a word e. g. –ly slowly verb adjective adverb Chapter 7 La nguage and meanings. Nature of meaning. Language is a conduit/channel along which thoughts are transferred. Meaning can’t be separated from language. Lexemes. can have a variety of forms called variant forms. when change from one to another, meaning changes as well. [pic] Chapter 8 Language acquisition. Acquisition – what we are born with, learn as we grow up to about 13 years of age. Learning – what we are formally taught, from about 13 years. Different theories- Imitation – child imitates language they hear around them. Innateness – humans born with a capacity for a language development. Input motherese/caretaker speech, more time spent with. Cognitive – child develops a concept first, able to remember/make sense of words of language. Chapter 8 cont†¦ Language acquisition – observe any child between the ages of 1m – 6y. study the section on stages of language acquisition pg 133-135 of textbook. this is my summar y of this section – not possible to explain but is possible to observe, record and chart. proceed at own pace, reach different stages at different ages sequence of stages, generally the same Stage 1 – , | |attention/discomfort |by short vowel |longer then cooing |resembling speech – |recognisable objects|combine 2 |nouns- omit the | | | |– high to low |1st real signs | | |am,-ed –ing, | | | | |language development| | | | Chapter 9 English and education 1. What role should English play in your community/country? 2. What role is English playing in your community/country today? 3. The role and importance of the standard variety of English. 1. Unifying language, able to interact with business partners, economically possible to gain recognition and be understood. 2.Kind can come from/various – have varying linguistic backgrounds, multi/mono-lingual – some communities are flooded by people from other parts of the world; English has a r ole, as a unifier, business partner, feel accepted. Beyond border of country – what is the role there? 3. Is it really important to know standard variety of English or just â€Å"black† English, â€Å"Hispanic† English or must it be standard English. Please correct me here/add in or what ever – I seem to have missed the boat here; however I did write every thing she spoke about? I suspect we need to prepare this for a long question. Exam 2 hours. Ensure you write in paragraphs â€Å"give a critical.. † give own view on topic, -ve and +ve side substantiate. â€Å"discuss† write in paragraphs, your own view is not necessary here.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pure Capitalism Essays - Taxation, Public Finance, Tax, Income Tax

Pure Capitalism Essays - Taxation, Public Finance, Tax, Income Tax Pure Capitalism My idea of the perfect government could be called ?Pure Capitalism?. It is based on survival of the fittest and not all people are created equal. To explain this government I will compare it to our current system. The biggest concept is that the people have complete control of most all economic conditions. Taxes: I do not believe in an income tax, I want to choose what I do with my money. Income in my view is a form of double taxation. To make up for the loss of no income tax, the sales taxes would be increased, not only would this allow people to have more control over there money it would virtually eliminate tax fraud. The sales tax could not tax food intended for consumption, clothing, or other Basic necessities of life. On average products the rate would be a flat percentage rate, and on products considered luxiourus the rate would be exponential, much like our current income tax system. A new administration would be formed to control the rates and stop double taxation. The inheritance tax would be abolished, if I want to work hard my life, throw all of my money in the bank, and leave it to my kids so that they can sit around doing nothing till the day they die, I shouldn?t have to pay for politicians to do sit around there whole life too. Welfare: The current welfare program pisses me off. In pure capitalism there would be a one year minimum for basic welfare, after that, all you get is a big ?good luck!, no one ever said life was fair?. If you can?t get a job in 365 days you don?t deserve for me to support you. The only exception here would be if someone was receiving average or higher education, in which the welfare program would last one year after completing the course. A set amount of bonus welfare would be received for each dependent when the program is started, but a deduction larger that the original bonus for any children born after the program has started. This is to discourage the inferior from reproducing. Poor breed poor. Again there is any exception for advrige or higher education received. In order to encourage private businesses to form, an extremely powerful business loss compensation loss program would be designed. In order for an economy like this one to survive, it takes guts on the part of the individual, unfortunately that is the reason many potential Trumps are never discovered. To counteract this, any business which is registered with the gov?t and then fails, will have compensation equal to the amount invested in the business initially, that way someone couldn?t start a business, inflate the vaule till it is about to crash, then liquidate to receive the amount of the inflated value. They could only get to amount they invested in it back. Labor: Every business needs a power work machine. Labor Unions in my ideal economy would have much more power provided by the government. Corporations would be required to sell stock to its workers. 401(k) plans would be highly encouraged, and other fringe benefits provided. When you retire the amount recieved would be based on two things. (1) How successful you where in life. (2) How hard you worked. With higher emphasis on number 2, people who have lower job skills would still be encouraged to work harder, knowing that it will eventually pay off in the long run. Poor breeds poor, but if the poor stay on the right track, they can still have a decient life. This last section is to cover the broader based ideals in the perfect economy. Kill the ?All people created equal polacy.? Lets face it, some poeple are superior and some are inferior, the minorities can?t call for affirmative action by hiding behind that statement. If I want to hire someone based on the color of there skin or there fathers father, I will do it. Forget minimum wage, you get paid what you are worth, if you are worthless you get paid less. Likewise, if you have a good education and give it your all, you are worth more and thus get paid more. Though bleeding hearts would be in tears after reading this, I belive that this economy, though vague, would create a world power compairable to the present world military condition, alowing us to control the weak, not bleed all over them.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Capstone Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Capstone Project - Essay Example d vision; and also if it has appropriate strategies in place that can help it in achieving its goals while utilizing its strengths and exploiting its opportunities. Toyota’s mission states, â€Å"Toyota will lead the way to the future of mobility, enriching lives around the world with the safest and most responsible ways of moving people. Through our commitment to quality, constant innovation and respect for the planet, we aim to exceed expectations and be rewarded with a smile. We will meet challenging goals by engaging the talent and passion of people, who believe there is always a better way (Toyota, 2012, p.12).† Careful analysis reveals that Toyota has been concerned with providing a product line that is affordable to its customer and also serves community by playing its role in environmental protection and social stability. Comparison of its mission and vision to its financial performance indicated that Toyota has managed to retain its profitability ratio as compared to last financial year 2011. Although due to strong position of Yen, its product became expensive for American and European markets, which is later on reflected in decrease in its gross sales which is  ¥ 17,820,520 for 2011 and  ¥17,511,916 for financial year 2011 and 2012 respectively. However, other losses attributed to recalls made further decreases in profits. Toyota’s vision entails making better cars and enriching communities’ lives through sustainable growths and adherence to its original values. Its guiding principles indicated that respect for culture and customers, fair business activities, corporate citizenship, innovative management, individual creativity and team work and working with business partners in research and manufacture to achieve stable, long-term growth and mutual benefits (Toyota Global, 2011a). However, losses incurred through recalls indicate that Toyota digressed from its values and mission of making better cars and benefitting consumers. Therefore,